DETERMINADO Y DESCANSADO Levantando las voces de los injustamente negados y lesionados por negligencia durante 30 años. Reúnase con nuestro equipo

Nuestras Historias De Éxito

Ganando Para Gente Como Usted
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Los Angeles
Experienced Attornesy

Helping The Injured and Wrongfully Accused

Whether your or your loved on has been hurt in a catastrophic accident, falsely accused of a crime, or suffering from the pain of a loss due to the negligence of others, our team can help. Attorney Antonelli is a board certified professional with 30 years of experience helping people just like you.

It is our biggest priority that our clients find peace while we handle the hardships of your case. True to our Italian nature, our clients are like family to us. This means we take your case personally, and more importantly focus on how best to work with you. We will travel to you, are available through email, phone, virtual or of course in person consultations.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer diam elit, accumsan at blandit quis, hendrerit non nunc. Donec dignissim, augue sed condimentum convallis, ipsum leo faucibus magna, sed facilisis mi dolor id felis. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Pellentesque dapibus volutpat risus, at dignissim diam. Sed in elit id lectus finibus eleifend

Etiam vestibulum nunc ut magna rutrum convallis. Praesent et posuere enim. Mauris sagittis sodales lectus et blandit. Fusce dolor justo, bibendum et pharetra ac, sollicitudin id diam. Duis eget diam non nunc laoreet auctor vel eu diam. Quisque id sem sapien. Ut fringilla neque lacus, eu pharetra elit cursus euismod.

Llámenos hoy mismo al 231-456-7890 para obtener una evaluación gratuita de su caso. Nuestros abogados están listos y pueden ayudarlo a encontrar su justicia.

Serious Attorneys
Serious Results

No Case Is Too big

With Antonelli and Labella, PLLC our team knows how important the outcome of your case is including how important it is to know what you can expect along the way. Through our personal approach and constant communication, you will be aware of everything needed from you in each step. Choosing the right law firm for your case is a big decision, and we are ready to help make that easier.

We handle all types of serious cases. If you have been wrongfully arrested for a crime with the possibility of life in prison our attorneys can help. If you need advice of what do to with the insurance company after a horrible accident, call us.

Cuando necesite a alguien de su lado.

Tu Caso Es nuestro caso

Ya sea que usted o su amado haya sido herido en un accidente catastrófico, acusado falsamente de un crimen o sufriendo el dolor de una pérdida debido a la negligencia de otros, nuestro equipo puede ayudarlo. El abogado Antonelli es un profesional certificado por la junta con 30 años de experiencia ayudando a personas como usted.

Es nuestra mayor prioridad que nuestros clientes encuentren la paz mientras manejamos las dificultades de su caso. Fieles a nuestra naturaleza italiana, nuestros clientes son como una familia para nosotros. Esto significa que tomamos su caso como algo personal y, lo que es más importante, nos enfocamos en la mejor manera de trabajar con usted. Viajaremos hasta usted, estamos disponibles a través de correo electrónico, teléfono, consultas virtuales o por supuesto en persona.

  • National College for DUI Defense
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  • Multi-Million Dollar Advocates Forum
  • Top 100
  • BBB Accredited Business
  • The Best Lawyers In America
  • Super Lawyers

Nosotros No Retrocederemos

Trabajo Con Un Equipo Dedicado a Tus Derechos

What Our Past Clients Think

Built on Relationships , Sustained On Success
  • This team is full of strength and compassion.

    “Gianni Labella was so educational on the process that we needed to take after our accident. Even when we called with silly questions he was available and ready to help us.”

  • Outstanding knowledge and patience!

    “When we came to a blind corner of my case, Alexander Antonelli didn’t even hesitate to find the answers to prove my innocence. I am safe and happy with family because of him, forever grateful!”

  • These guys won’t give up on you.

    “Antonelli & Labella are the fiercest attorneys I have met. It’s like they are right out of the wild, they never gave up!”

  • The most professional team!

    “Mr. Antonelli kept us informed on our case the whole time. While it was a long case he stayed strong through and got me an outcome better than expected!”


Your Questions , Our Answers
    Depende de la complejidad del caso. Un delito menor puede resolverse en unas pocas semanas o un mes, mientras que los delitos graves pueden durar entre varios meses y un año.
    Depende de la complejidad del caso. Un delito menor puede resolverse en unas pocas semanas o un mes, mientras que los delitos graves pueden durar entre varios meses y un año.
    Depende de la complejidad del caso. Un delito menor puede resolverse en unas pocas semanas o un mes, mientras que los delitos graves pueden durar entre varios meses y un año.
    Depende de la complejidad del caso. Un delito menor puede resolverse en unas pocas semanas o un mes, mientras que los delitos graves pueden durar entre varios meses y un año.

Not Just Another Billboard Law Firm

Here For You When You Need Us Most

Our team is committed and driven to help clients receive the best possible result. We will not quit until your case is settled, it is our biggest priority that our clients find peace while we handle the hardships of your case. True to our Italian nature, our clients are like family to us. This means we take your case personally, and more importantly focus on how best to work with you. We will travel to you, are available through email, phone, virtual or of course in person consultations.

We handle all types of serious cases. If you have been wrongfully arrested for a crime with the possibility of life in prison our attorneys can help. If you need advice of what do to with the insurance company after a horrible accident, call us.

    Equipo galardonado y certificado por la junta.
    Firma legal de servicio completo que prioriza sus necesidades.
    Nuestro equipo se enfoca en mantenerlo tan involucrado como lo haríamos con nuestras propias familias.
    No renunciaremos hasta que se resuelva su caso.

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